Fat has always been the enemy. For decades individuals have been suckered into eating foods with little to no fat.
However, it turns out that fat is not the enemy; it’s our friend.
Fat plays an essential role in enhancing the immune system, the absorption of nutrients, and balancing hormones.
Believe it or not, fat can even stimulate weight loss.
Thanks to this enlightenment, the tides have shifted in favor of consuming fat.
Wagyu beef tallow has become the subject of much conversation and with good reason.
- What Is Wagyu Beef Tallow?
- What Is Beef Suet?
- Is Wagyu Beef Tallow Healthy?
- Is Wagyu Beef Tallow Keto Friendly
- Is Wagyu Beef Tallow Carnivore-diet Friendly
- What Does Beef Tallow Taste Like?
- How To Use Wagyu Beef Tallow?
- How To Make Wagyu Beef Tallow
- How Long Is Wagyu Beef Tallow Good For?
- How To Tell If Wagyu Beef Tallow Is Bad
- Can I Reuse Wagyu Beef Tallow?
- Final Thoughts
What Is Wagyu Beef Tallow?
In short, wagyu beef tallow is fat. It is created by using a technique called rendering.
Rendering removes the impurities from the tallow.
Beef tallow looks like and functions coconut oil. As the hot tallow cools down, it solidifies at room temperature.
Therefore, wagyu beef tallow is beef fat in its purest form.
Any beef fat can be turned into tallow. However, the best quality fat is found around the kidneys.
The fat around the kidneys contains the most nutrients and is super concentrated.
In addition to this, you can also render fat from other types of food.
Case in point, lard is rendered pig fat, schmaltz is made from rendered chicken fat, and ghee is made rendered butter.
What Is Beef Suet?
You will notice that many people use the words tallow and suet interchangeably. However, suet and tallow are not the same things.
Different parts of the animal have different kinds of fat.
Depending on the type of anima, the location of the fat, and how it is rendered, the fat’s taste, texture, and nutrition catalog can vary.
Suet is crumbly, hard fat found in the loin’s interior. White suet surrounds the kidneys and feels a bit dry to the touch.
In addition to this, suet has a low melting point that ranges between 113°F-122°F. Suet has a relatively high smoke point of 392°F.
Is Wagyu Beef Tallow Healthy?
Because of its high concentration of oleic acid, highly marbled wagyu beef contains a treasure trove of monounsaturated fats.
Monounsaturated fats are heart-healthy fats that decrease bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol.
In addition to this, beef tallow contains a wide array of vitamins.
Vitamin A aids healthy skin, bones, and vision, while vitamin D plays a part in managing calcium and phosphate in the blood.
Beef tallow also contains Omega 7, a monounsaturated fatty acid that boosts insulin resistance, supports skin health, and inhibits inflammation.
Is Wagyu Beef Tallow Keto Friendly
The keto diet is known for its low-carb intake. However, it is also known to have a high fat intake.
You can use beef tallow as a replacement for unhealthy oils such as canola or corn oil. Both canola and corn oil are associated with inflammation, so it’s best to exclude them from your diet.
Is Wagyu Beef Tallow Carnivore-diet Friendly
Beef tallow is carnivore diet-friendly. Unlike the keto diet, the carnivore diet is much more restrictive.
Only animal foods can be consumed on the carnivore diet. It is inclusive of organ meats such as kidney and liver as well as beef, poultry, and fish.
Because beef tallow is from an animal source, it is safe to consume on the carnivore diet.
What Does Beef Tallow Taste Like?
Beef tallow doesn’t have a pronounced flavor, but it is distinguishable. It’s more of a subtle flavor that remains in the background.
For example, adding beef tallow to vegetables will give them a slightly meaty flavor.
Additionally, you can also add herbs or spices such as rosemary or garlic to the tallow to give it a pronounced flavor.
Nevertheless, even if you add additional ingredients, the fat will still have a relatively mild flavor.
How To Use Wagyu Beef Tallow?
The primary use of beef tallow is to act as a cooking oil. Beef tallow has a high smoking point of 400°F.
Therefore, you can fry foods in it, make eggs or stir-fried meat or vegetables, bake with it, or even sear your tomahawk steaks in it.
Essentially, you can use it for cooking any savory dish that calls for oil.
Beef tallow also has non-food uses. Tallow is used to make commercial soap. This is because it hardens and lathers well.
It also acts as a quality replacement for oils like palm oils which are frequently used to make soap.
Even if you make your own homemade soap, you can combine tallow with an essential oil, water, and sodium hydroxide to make your own soap.
Tallow is also used a natural moisturizer. Sound strange, I know, but the consistency of beef tallow is close to that of coconut oil, which means it’s easy to apply.
Beef tallow contains the same type of fatty acids found in our skin. This makes it easier for our skin to absorb it.
Lastly, beef tallow is also nutritious for our furry four-legged companions.
After you’ve rendered the beef fat, you can use it as a healthy snack for your puppy.
How To Make Wagyu Beef Tallow
If you love trying new things, then you shouldn’t have a problem making beef tallow.
While you can make beef tallow from any beef fat such as brisket trimmings, if you want wagyu beef tallow, you must use wagyu beef tallow.
First, you must remove the fat from the wagyu beef. The outer edge of the wagyu steak should have a fat cap.
Carefully remove the fat from your steak. Depending on how big the wagyu steak is, you may get 1/4-1/2 cup of beef tallow.
If you don’t have enough tallow to render, place the tallow in a freezer-safe container and freeze it until you have enough.
Next, cut the tallow into smaller pieces. A dry clean cast-iron skillet or a stainless-steel is the best pan to render beef tallow in.
Place the tallow into your pan and place it on the stove.
The thing that distinguishes wagyu beef from a regular Denver steak or bottom round roast is its low melting point.
However, your body heat can melt wagyu beef tallow, which is why Wagyu beef literally feels as if it is melting in your mouth when you eat it.
Therefore, you must do so with low heat when rendering beef tallow. If your fire is too hot, it will burn or scorch your tallow and ruin that beautiful flavor.
Turn your burner to the lowest setting possible and let the fat render for 30-40 minutes until it transforms into a liquid.
Once the fat renders, remove it from the heat. Pour the wagyu beef tallow into a cheesecloth draped over a container to remove any impurities.
When choosing storage containers for beef tallow, use glass, ceramic, or metal jars. Do not use plastic containers to store beef tallow in.
The heat from the tallow can melt the plastic container and create a giant mess in your kitchen.
We all know what a mess oil is to clean up, so save yourself the trouble and use a suitable container.
Place the lid onto the beef tallow and use it as you see fit.
How Long Is Wagyu Beef Tallow Good For?
You can store your beef tallow in the fridge or freezer at room temperature. Beef tallow will last up to a year when stored at room temperature.
Beef tallow stored in the fridge or freezer will also last for up to a year.
But make sure you label it with a date before storing it so it. you can keep track of
How To Tell If Wagyu Beef Tallow Is Bad
Just like shrimp will let you know if it’s bad, tallow will let you know when it’s spoiled. Beef tallow is spoiled if it has mold.
It will also have a pungent smell. Discard the tallow immediately if it has mold or smells bad.
In addition to this, if the beef tallow tastes funny, it is spoiled and should be tossed immediately.
Can I Reuse Wagyu Beef Tallow?
Of course, you can reuse beef tallow. However, after you use the beef tallow, let it cool completely.
Next, strain the beef tallow through a fine-mesh sieve to remove any impurities.
Store the beef tallow in an airtight jar in the fridge. Make sure you label the tallow as used, so you do not mix it up with fresh tallow.
In addition to this, it may also be beneficial to add the date it was used, along with how many times you reused the tallow.
How many times you can reuse beef tallow is up to you.
However, discard the beef tallow immediately if it starts to smell bad or has an unpleasant appearance.
Final Thoughts
Fat isn’t always the enemy. Contrary to what we have been taught, beef tallow is very healthy.
Beef tallow is full of vitamins and heart-healthy monounsaturated fats.
Now that you know how to make your own wagyu beef tallow, you can easily incorporate it into your diet.

I have been smoking and grilling meat from an early age and enjoy sharing my knowledge and expertise through the hundreds of articles I have written about BBQ. I hope to make everyone’s BBQ journey that little bit easier.