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Can You Refreeze Salmon?

Can You Refreeze Salmon?

You take the food out of the freezer and decide to thaw it for whatever meal you plan to cook it for. However, sometimes we have a change of heart.

This could be us not wanting to cook, or we have a sudden craving. Whatever the reason, you end up having to either throw it away or put it back in the freezer.

One food this can be done with is salmon. In this article, we will cover if you can not only refreeze cooked salmon that has been thawed but also raw salmon which also was thawed.

By the end, you will have all the answers you need!

Is It Possible to Refreeze Salmon?

It is very possible to refreeze salmon. This includes salmon that has been cooked and then frozen as well as raw salmon that went through the same processes.

In the following section, we will discuss the specifics that come with refreezing salmon under both conditions.

There are some similarities but also differences.

Refreezing Cooked Salmon

Sometimes, you just don’t feel like eating the salmon even after cooking it, so you stick it in the freezer.

Later on, you decide you are ready to eat it and thaw it out, only to realize… you still do not want to eat it. It sounds like a complicated process, but it’s not.

Assuming you do not cook it right away, the cooked salmon should be stored in the fridge after it has been thawed.

It can last about 2 to 3 days in the fridge, so you have some time to decide what you want to do with it.

It doesn’t matter what method out of the usual 3 you used to thaw the fish. All of them can be put back in the freezer.

The one exception to this rule is if you have melted your salmon on the counter, which should never be done, by the way.

Salmon and other meat can’t be left on the counter for more than two hours typically. If it’s 90 degrees or more, then that time drops to one answer.

The reason for this is that bacteria love to grow at room temperature, so it’s best to avoid leaving it on the counter for longer than the 1 to 2-hour time period.

Refreezing Raw Salmon

Refreezing raw salmon follows the similar rules that exist when refreezing cooked salmon.

Once it is thawed, you have about 2 to 3 days to decide what you want to do with it. As long as it is kept in the fridge, then it will be kept fresh for that period.

If the raw salmon has been sitting on the counter at room temperature for more than an hour or two, then you can’t refreeze it.

This is another thing raw, and cooked salmon have in common. Bacteria don’t discriminate and will grow on raw or cooked salmon if left at room temperature.

That’s just how it is!

How to Safely Thaw Salmon

There are about three proven methods of thawing salmon, each with its strengths and weaknesses. This includes:

  • The safest way to thaw salmon is by putting it in the salmon. It takes a while, but at least you will ensure your health will remain a top priority. To do this method, you just have to put the salmon in the fridge after taking it out of the freezer. Once you have done this, leave it there for 8 hours or anywhere under 24 hours. Then it’s done!
  • The cold water method is the quicker of the two methods. Take the salmon out of the freezer (making sure to keep it in its packaging or plastic bag), then put it in a bowl of cold water. Always change it every 30 minutes until it’s thawed.
  • Putting it in the microwave is a third way of thawing your salmon, but it’s not recommended. It’s quick, but doing this will cause your salmon to cook partially in the microwave. If you use this method with raw fish, then you might as well just cook it completely. This way, if you do happen to refreeze it, you won’t be at risk of getting sick.

How to Safely Freeze Salmon

There are several safety tips to follow before freezing your salmon. This includes:

  • It’s best to cut the salmon up into small portions before freezing it. By doing this, you won’t end up taking too much out.
  • Once this is done, then you need to start wrapping up your salmon. Use freezer paper, parchment paper, or plastic wrap to wrap the portions of salmon. Then put it in the freezer bag you have purchased and make sure there is no air in it. This will help lower your chances of your meat getting any of that pesky freezer burn!
  • The final safety tip to follow is pretty simple. It’s so simple you may not have thought of it because of how simple it is. All you have to do is to label the date you freeze and refreeze the salmon. The reason for this is, so you know how long it’s been in the freezer. Always check to see if the salmon is bad, regardless, but having a date on it helps with the process.

Final Thoughts

And there you go, all your salmon lovers out there! It is very possible to thaw and then refreeze both cooked and raw salmon.

Naturally, there are some rules that you are required to follow, and we know that on the surface, this sounds a bit annoying, but the rules are there to keep your body safe!

It can take some time to get used to everything involved with thawing and refreezing meat. However, once you have gotten the hang of it, you’ll be doing it like a pro.

The best part is getting to enjoy some of that delicious salmon at some point.

What more could you ask for?

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