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Do Carrots Go Bad?

Do Carrots Go Bad?

We extend the life of food through refrigeration and freezing all we want, but eventually, it will get to the point where it needs to be tossed. This is the reason why expiration dates exist.

They give people a general idea of when food should be eaten, refrigerated, or frozen. Some foods last longer than others, but it doesn’t change the fact that the expiration dates are useful.

One popular food people may wonder about going bad is carrots. In this article, we will figure out if carrots can go bad, how they can last, and everything you need to know about the subject!

Can Carrots Go Bad, and if So, How Long Do They Last?

Carrots can go bad. This favorite food of Bugs Bunny can only stay fresh for so long, and if you don’t eat it by a certain time, you run the risk of consuming bad food.

The length of time a carrot can last depends on the type of carrot you have and how it is being stored.

  • Carrots stored at room temperature can last up to four days. It doesn’t matter what type of carrot you are using. If they are left at room temperature, they can only last for a few days.
  • Keeping carrots in the fridge is the best way to make them last the longest. If they are cooked, they last for 1 week. Baby carrots last 3 to 4 weeks, and fresh or whole carrots last for 4 to 5 weeks.
  • If fresh or cooked carrots are put in the freezer, they can last for up to a year, believe it or not. Surprisingly, freezing carrots doesn’t ruin their quality, which is pretty amazing.

In the next section, we’ll go into what happens if you eat bad carrots.

What Happens if You Eat Bad Carrots?

It’s never a good idea to eat bad food, and this includes carrots. The biggest issue with eating expired carrots is that they have bacteria developing on them.

Once it starts to rot, this happens. Usually, you’ll end up with a mild-to-moderate illness, which can lead to symptoms that include vomiting, nausea, fever, and diarrhea.

Gastrointestinal issues tend to be the most common issues when consuming bad food. So, to avoid this, don’t eat bad carrots!

However, the interesting thing about carrots is that you can get a condition called Carotenemia, which is caused by eating an excessive amount of carrots.

Carotenemia isn’t contagious, and it isn’t even harmful. It’s completely harmless. It just can cause your skin to get orange or yellow pigmentation on your skin.

This happens by consuming too many carrots, squash, and sweet potatoes or foods that have a high amount of carotene.

Out of the two options, I’d rather have orange/yellow skin rather than get some GI illness that leaves me in bed for a few days!

We think most people would agree with us on this.

How To Tell if Carrots Are Bad

To avoid getting sick, there are ways you can tell if carrots are bad. These ways include:

  • The carrots will have mold or dark spots growing on them. Dark spots can sometimes be cut off, and then you can go on using the carrot, but if you see mold, it needs to be thrown into the bin right away.
  • Carrots don’t have the usual smell to them. If you smell a strong odor coming off your carrot, then we regret to inform you that the carrot has gone bad. Do you know where it has to go? The bin.
  • If the carrot is floppy and shows either mold or a bad smell, then it’s bad. Now, if the only sign is a floppy carrot, then you can still use it! It just means it’s become dehydrated. Just put it in some cold water, and in a few hours, it should be firm again. Remember, they are only still good if it shows no other symptom but floppiness.

These signs are pretty easy to spot for the most part. It would be extremely hard to miss them, but if you do, don’t feel bad.

Mistakes happen! In the next section, we’ll go into how to safely store carrots so they don’t go bad more quickly. By storing them properly, you lessen the risk of illness!

How to Safely Store Carrots

There are several ways to store carrots safely. They include:

  • Carrots put in the fridge should be either put in a bag or some kind of container. You can also wrap the carrots with a damp paper towel to make them last longer.
  • If you plan to cut the carrots up, make sure you put them in a container filled with water to keep them fresh.
  • They can also be kept in either a cool or dry place if you don’t put them in the fridge. It’s just that if they are in the fridge, they can last a little longer than they would in the pantry.

These are the best ways to ensure that your carrots will last a decent amount of time. It’s always great to extend the life of the food you have bought, especially vegetables and fruits.

Fresh food, especially, is becoming quite expensive nowadays. One can’t afford to just throw them away and waste food!

So go ahead and store your carrots using any of these methods, and we promise you will see some results.

Final Thoughts

And there you go, all your carrot lovers out there! Not only can carrots go bad, but they can also make you sick if you eat them.

The best way to avoid this is by either knowing the signs of a carrot going bad or safely storing them in the first place.

Despite our best efforts, mistakes can happen, so if you end up eating something bad, just make sure not to do it again! As long as you follow our suggestions, we’re sure you won’t make the same mistake twice.

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